
Sheffield Gothic's Blog Series

Sunday 12 April 2015

Update: Goths on Hiatus

Spring Break
Greetings, fellow Goths!

It’s been spring break for the GRG and we've been using the (sort of) time off to go to plays (Susan Hill’s The Mist in the Mirror…definitely avoid vengeful Satanists, ghost children, and haunted mirrors if possible!), visit ruins (definitely not for vampire-hunting related reasons), and as an opportunity to catch up on some work for the exciting events we've got lined up for the rest of the semester.  For a full list of events please check out our 2015 schedule page.  In the meantime here are a few updates…
The GRG will start up again on April 22nd.  We’ll be reading Paul Feval’s La Ville Vampire, or The Vampire City (translated by Brian Stableford).  This is a very special read for us Sheffield Goths because it features one of our favourite Gothic authors, Ann Radcliffe, as the novel’s vampire hunting protagonist.  Written in the late 19th century, The Vampire City can be read as early fan fiction and also as a highly original Gothic satire which both mocks Gothic tropes and comes up with some exciting new contributions to the vampire canon.  Come along for cake and death!

For fans of this blog we’ll be having a special re-launch event on April 23rd.  This will include a Gothic Reading Group Live party featuring short film screenings, group discussions, snacks, wine, and fun.  It will also kick off a week of blog posts, one a day, every day, from Gothic reading group members on a range of Gothic-themed topics.  Stay tuned for a full blog schedule and make sure you check in every day for a new and interesting blog post starting April 23rd.

“Re-imagining the Gothic” is well underway and some diverse and fascinating Goths are getting ready for the symposium and showcasing event at the University of Sheffield on May 9th.  We've got some great proposals and projects lined up, as well as a wide range of speakers, activities, networking opportunities, and fun surprises in store.  Details and registration information will be released soon. Save the date and follow us on twitter @Reimagining15 for more updates!

Also, please follow us on twitter @SheffieldGothic for updates, observations, and various insights from us barbarous Sheffield goths.  

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