
Sheffield Gothic's Blog Series

Thursday 25 June 2015

Updates (I mean... creepy, terrifying, important Gothic updates... whoooohhh!)

Greetings Goths!

Sheffield Gothic has been very busy these last few weeks... here are a few things of note!

SUP YO?!?!

The Centre for the History of the Gothic has launched a new website detailing Gothic projects, events, and other information related to the University of Sheffield Gothic program.  Please check it out at

The "Summer of 1816: Creativity and Turmoil" Conference, to be hosted at the University of Sheffield, has just released a Call for Papers.  The Summer of 1816 was of course the time when Percy Shelley, Mary Godwin (later Shelley), Lord Byron, John Polidori and Claire Claremont came together, for the first time, in Geneva, and were inspired to create some of the most seminal works in Gothic fiction.  Check out the CFP at

Sheffield Gothic is pleased to announce its on-going collaboration with The North West Gothic ERC Research Network, based at Manchester Metropolitan University.  We'd like to thank the organizers at MMU for this amazing opportunity to connect with other Gothic researchers, and look forward to working with them in the future!

The meeting schedule for the Sheffield Gothic Reading Group is currently up on this website.  The general theme for this semester is 'religious Gothic' - be sure to mark the dates and come by for the classic combination of cake AND death!

There is currently an open call for blog post up for this website - if you're interesting in writing for us, please contact to find out more!

As ever feel free to contact us and follow us on twitter @SheffieldGothic

#GothsAssemble #WeAreTheBarbarousGoths

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