Kicking off our Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Two posts in our Buffy Blog Series we have Holly Dann from the University of Sheffield exploring Spike's 'Cockney' Accent in 'School Hard.' Tell us what you think using the hashtag #BuffySlays20!
James Marsters’ English accent on Buffy the Vampire
Slayer has undeniably divided opinions. His portrayal of Spike has made it on
to both best and worst rundowns of on-screen accent attempts. Even Marsters
himself admits that, particularly in those first episodes, his accent was
‘terrible.’ Personally, I found it very distracting at first, but did get used
to it as the show went on, but this may be my accent-obsessed brain never
switching off and over-analysing every voice I hear. If, like me, something
about Spike’s voice has always niggled at you, but you can’t quite work out
what it is, then read on. I am going to analyse Spike’s accent in his first
ever appearance on Buffy in S02E03 'School Hard' and try to work out where he
went wrong, what he got right, and whether it really matters at all.
First off, we need to work out exactly what accent
Marsters was aiming for in the first place and why. In various interviews, he
has stated that Spike is supposed to speak with a working class London accent
to help build his ‘bad boy’ persona: ‘Spike is British because Joss, [the
director], wanted a bit of punk rock. I was supposed to be like Sid Vicious.’
Therefore, it can be assumed that Marsters was attempting to speak with
something like a Cockney accent. Interestingly, this is actually pretty much
how Anthony Steward Head, who is from North London, sounds in real life.
Marsters has often said that he was given tips by Head on how to improve on the
accent. It’s also worth noting that Spike was not always a ‘punk rock’ working
Class Londoner; in S05E07 'Fool for Love' it is revealed that Spike was once an
upper class Englishman and the Cockney accent was an affectation, along with
his new name and ‘bad boy’ swagger (I’ll come back to this later).
Spike enters the show with a literal bang (sorry) in
School Hard. Hard rock music is blasting from his car as he crashes into the
Sunnydale sign and, clad in a leather jacket and combat boots, he steps out,
lights a cigarette and muses, ‘home sweet home.’ Everything about him plays up
to the ‘bad boy’ persona. This new villain is a stark contrast to the vampires
Buffy has previously fought. Where the Master and his acolytes were archaic and
ritual obsessed, Spike is modern, ‘cool’, and complex. His working class London
accent is intended to help establish this character in the following scene,
where he meets the Anointed One and his followers and promises to ‘do your
Slayer for you.’
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(Spike:"Me and Dru, we're moving in." - 'School Hard') |
So, now for some linguistics: did James Marsters pull off
the accent in his introductory scene? (NB: I am going to use the International
Phonetic Alphabet here, but for those not familiar with the IPA, I’ve attempted
to represent the sounds with re-spellings). The clip I am analysing starts 5:00
minutes into School Hard. If you can, go and have a listen to Spike in that
scene, but if you can’t (I’ll never forgive UK Netflix for removing Buffy),
here’s a transcript:
SPIKE: You were there? Oh please. If every vampire who
said he was at the crucifixion was actually there, it would have been like
BIG UGLY: I ought to rip your throat out.
SPIKE: I was actually at Woodstock. That was a weird gig.
I fed off a flower person and spent six hours watching my hands move.
So, who do you kill for fun around here?
ANOINTED ONE: Who are you?
SPIKE: You're that anointed guy. I read about you. And
you got Slayer problems, that's a bad piece of luck. You know what I find works
real good with Slayers? Killing them.
SPIKE: A lot faster than nancy boy there. I did a couple
Slayers in my time. I don't like to brag. Oh, who am I kidding, I love to brag.
There was one Slayer, during the Boxer Rebellion - Drusilla! You shouldn't be walking around. You're weak.
DRUSILLA: Look at all the people. Are these nice people?
SPIKE: We're getting along.
DRUSILLA: This one has power. I could feel it from
SPIKE: Yeah, he's a big noise in these parts. Anointed,
and all that.
DRUSILLA Do you like daisies? I plant them but they
always die. Everything I put in the ground withers and dies. Spike, I'm cold.
SPIKE: I got you.
DRUSILLA: I'm a princess...
SPIKE: That's what you are.
Me and Dru, we're moving in. Anyone wanna test who's got
the biggest wrinklies around here, step on up. I'll do your Slayer for you. You
keep your flunkies from trying anything behind my back. Deal?
Cockney consists of a variety of non-standard features,
as well as elements of southern Standard English (henceforth: sStE). I’ll just
focus on a few of the key features here. First, it is non-rhotic, meaning that
Cockneys don’t pronounce the /r/ in words like ‘farm.’ It is also similar to
sStE in its pronunciation of words like ‘bath’ [ɑː] (bahth) and ‘strut’ [ʌ]
(struht). Marsters’ success in producing these variants is pretty inconsistent
(this will become a theme). While he manages to avoid producing rhotic /r/, he
does tend to overcompensate for the lack of /r/ with some elongated vowels and,
notably, the occasional addition of a ‘y’ [j] sound. This is what’s gone on in
that bizarre pronunciation of ‘there’ in his opening line: ‘you were theyah [θɛjə]’.
In the phrase 'a lot faster', there is an attempt to produce the sStE ‘ah’ [ɑː]
vowel, but instead he uses a lengthened American variant [æ:] (‘faaster’),
which is actually lot closer to a (distinctly un-‘punk rock’) Westcountry
accent. He fares a little better with the ‘strut’ vowel, producing the ‘uh’ [ʌ]
sound in ‘fun,’ ‘flunkies,’ and ‘love,’ but somehow pronounces ‘luck’ with a
northern English [ʊ] (‘lohck’).
Regarding the more traditional Cockney vowel sounds,
there are a lot of inconsistencies in Spike’s speech. For example, the Cockney
‘ai’ vowel in words like ‘price’ is traditionally monophthongised to something
like [ɑː] (‘prahce’) or rounded [ɒː ~ ɒɪ] (‘proice’). Marsters does
occasionally attempt this, but often misses the mark. For example, his
pronunciation of ‘I’ is, in places, something like [ʌ] ‘uh,’ as in the phrase
‘uh fed off a flower person,’ On other occasions, his ‘ai’ vowel is pretty
close to sStE: ‘do you know what I [aɪ] find [aɪ] works real good with
Slayers?’ (Also: note here the use of the American intensifier ‘real’).
Marsters has a bit more luck with the non-vocalic sounds
of Cockney. Although they are inconsistent, there are examples of (h)-dropping
(‘who do you kill for fun around ere’), (g)-dropping (‘me and Dru, we’re movin
in’). However, these features are found in almost every working class accent in
England and are certainly not unique to Cockney. There are no instances of the
more distinctly Cockney features, such (l)-vocalisation (e.g. ‘kill’ as ‘kiw’)
or (th)-fronting (e.g. ‘anyfing’). In addition, there are no instances of
intervocalic glottalisation (not pronouncing ‘t’s in the middle of a word). In
fact, he produces the word ‘getting’ in ‘we’re getting along’ with a North
American tapped [ɾ] (‘gedding’). He never does quite get the hang of those
glottal stops, which plays a large role in the Spike’s classic staccato-like
Finally, there is one example of dialect lexis in this
scene: ‘nancy boy.’ This is indicative of Spike’s tendency throughout the show
to use very stereotypically British words. For example, the word ‘bloody’ is
used to excess, to the point that, I would argue, it sounds unnatural to the
British viewer. Spike’s use of stereotypical British lexical items is typified
by his outburst in S06E08 'Tabula Rasa': ‘He's got his crust all stiff and upper
with that nancy boy accent. You Englishmen are always so... bloody hell.
Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks. Oh, God. I'm English!’. Spike’s
choice of English words is always highly stereotypical and usually not
constrained to a particular region of England. This is an unsurprising writer’s
choice, as if Spike were to use some lesser known Cockney dialect words, they
would almost certainly be lost on a predominately American audience.
To summarise, Spike’s accent in his introductory scene in
School Hard is recognisably English, but couldn’t really be described as
Cockney. He has a mishmash of linguistic features from across England and,
occasionally, a bit of his natural American accent slips through. However, the
inclusion of highly stereotyped working class accent features, such as
(h)-dropping and (g)-dropping, and British slang (‘nancy boy’) are enough to
support the vision of this character as a gritty ‘bad boy,’ and are a stark
contrast to the archaic speech of the other vampires.
Overall, the while Spike’s accent is certainly patchy,
inauthentic, and highly stereotyped, I would argue that it does not detract
from the character or the show. First, Marsters’ American roots go undetected
by many of the viewers. Additionally, this persona is just that: a persona. The
character of Spike was created after William became a vampire and affected the
‘Cockney’ accent a part of his reinvention. For me, the inauthentic accent
serves as a reminder of Spike’s lovesick past as ‘William the bloody awful
poet’ and the ‘bad boy’ persona is, perhaps, just an act. Finally, and most
importantly, Marsters’ consistently stands by this mishmash accent throughout
the show. As a result, what starts as a device to bolster a ‘punk rock’ look in
a throw-away villain, becomes an integral quirk of one of Buffy’s most-loved
Holly Dann is a PhD candidate in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Sheffield. Although she is an avid festival-goer, she was not at Woodstock, and, to our knowledge, she has not fed off of any flower people.
Great post, but can I just point out that Charlotte Bosseaux has an article with almost the same title (using the quote from Spike) in our special issue of Gothic Studies? You may find that article complements yours
ReplyDeleteI don't mean to question you, well I kinda do I guess or I wouldn't be posting here lol but in a polite way I promise, as you're the expert and I clearly am not I'm English (Sheffield born and bred) and my grip on a none Yorkshire accent is terrible at best (think a terrible Hyacinth Bucket if I try to speak Non Yorkshire/slang or all posh as we call it where I live hehe), but could the gaps in his language skills be explained by the fact that as vampires they had to keep moving so as not to get caught and killed themselves. So never really spend enough time in one place to fully pick up the local way of speaking properly and just got the general sounds to fit in with those around them?. I thought for the most part all the none English born people did pretty well with how they did. The odd word I admit did bug me though. Thanks xx
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