This is the second and concluding part of Kaja Franck's blog exploring werewolves and masculinity in Season Two of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. To read part one click here, and if you want to share your thoughts on Buffy and Werewolves use the hashtag #BuffySlays20. (You can also read our first Season Two blog exploring Spike's 'cockney' accent by clicking here.)
The gendered nature of the werewolf is only briefly
challenged in ‘Phases’ when Willow points out to Buffy that, following on from
Larry, she is the most aggressive person at Sunnydale, with a history of
violent outbursts. However, throughout the episode Buffy is compared to Cain (self-proclaimed werewolf-hunter) as
an alternate hunter-type figure. Therefore, Willow’s comments seem less a
challenge to gender constructs and more a comment that, through her physical
prowess and hunter-like status, Buffy is just masculine enough to succeed as
the Slayer. Later in the series, we are introduced to a female werewolf,
Veruca, in the episode ‘Wild At Heart’ (aired November 9, 1999). Oz is
immediately attracted to Veruca, a fellow musician, who is depicted as being deeply
alluring. Even Giles is attracted to her aura, despite the uncomfortable age
difference between the two. Veruca tries to convince Oz that he should revel in
his identity as a werewolf, celebrating his instinctual desires and losing
himself in passion. Though Oz is briefly tempted by this, at least in animal
form, Veruca threatens to harm Willow. Oz’s love for Willow overcomes his
feelings for Veruca. Indeed, once transformed, he is able to channel his
violent tendencies into killing Veruca rather than hurting Willow. This moment
infers that the werewolf is ultimately able to control their violent
tendencies, even in wolf form, as long as their self-control is great enough.
Ultimately, Oz leaves at the end of this episode in order to try to ‘cure’ his
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(Veruca (left) and Oz (right) in 'Wild at Heart') |
However, just as Willow’s
comments about Buffy suggest that she is outside the normal range of gender due
to her Slayer status, Veruca’s gender is equally compromised. Though she is
clearly monstrous in the physical threat she poses to Willow, she is also
monstrously sexual, tempting the decent and honourable Oz away from Willow. In
this way, the depiction of lycanthropy in this series coheres with idea that
being a werewolf creates hyper-gendered versions of human beings. As Rosalind
Sibielski notes, male werewolves are typically highly aggressive physically
whereas female werewolves are sexually aggressive (Sibielski, 'Gendering the monster within: Biological essentialism, sexual
difference, and changing the symbolic functions of the monster in popular
werewolf texts', in Monster Culture in the 21st Century: A Reader, 2013). The portrayal of the
werewolf in Buffy could be read in
two ways. Given that the werewolf is treated as a ‘monster of the week’, and
the parodic way in which they are introduced, this could be a further sign that
their depiction simply does not need to challenge the ‘beast within’ trope, nor
explore more complex representations of this supernatural entity. Alternately,
it draws attention to the series more conservative aspects, specifically
regarding female sexuality, such as Angel’s transformation into Angelus reading
as a punishment for the loss of virginity, and the deeply problematic issue of
Spike’s attempt to rape Buffy.
Though ‘Phases’ centres on Oz and Willow, the backdrop of
this episode is also telling regarding gender constructs. Angel, following his
night of perfect happiness with Buffy, is now the sadistic and violent Angelus,
every young woman’s dream become nightmare. During the episode, a friend of
Buffy is killed by Angelus, though the death is thought to be by werewolf. Buffy’s
discovery that there are two monsters killing beautiful, young woman highlights
the fact that not all monsters look monstrous, in either the television programme
or real life. Oz’s lycanthropy, Angel and masculine violence are brought
together again in ‘Beauty and the Beasts’ (aired October 20, 1998). As the name
of this episode suggests, masculinity is once more shown to be bestial and a
danger to women. However, in this case, the perpetrator is not Oz nor Angel,
both of whom were made into monsters against their will, rather, it is an
abusive boyfriend who makes himself into a Jekyll/Hyde monster in order to
further terrorise his girlfriend. Oz’s lycanthropy in this episode is used as
foil to explore issues regarding the inherent violence of masculinity.
It is telling, therefore, that it is Willow who shoots Oz
with a tranquilizer dart at the end of ‘Phases’ saving both herself and her
colleagues. Willow’s role here functions in two ways. In some ways this moment
continues the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ narrative, beautifully expressed in King Kong (1933), that it is Beauty who
‘kills’ the Beast. Both Kong and the werewolf are depicted as masculine and
their “death” at the hand of the woman they love suggests that man’s greatest
weakness is woman. Alternatively, Willow’s presence of mind in this moment also
suggests that she is not simply an overtly emotional heroine. Rather than
sacrifice herself to save her friends, she retains her sense of
self-preservation in order to save herself and the rest of the Scooby Gang. In
doing so, she subverts the hunter, Cain, thereby proving that the monster does
not always have to die. At the end of the episode, she accepts Oz as a werewolf
and states that she would happily have a relationship with him. Even if,
ultimately, his lycanthropy will come between them.
Following his disappearance at the end of ‘Wild At Heart’,
Oz returns in ‘New Moon Rising’ (aired May 2, 2000). He tells Willow that he is
now able to repress his inner beast; he is redeemed and has become an acceptable
model of masculinity, returning in order to continue his relationship with
Willow. Yet Willow has not remained in a heartbroken state, awaiting Oz’s
arrival. Rather she has started a new relationship with Tara (and in doing so,
shows to what extent the series had moved on in its depiction of gay characters
from Larry in ‘Phases’). When Oz discovers this, he loses control once more,
culminating in his realisation that his has more work to do in order to deal
with his problem. It is jealousy and a sense of ownership over Willow that
precipitates this transformation. These are emotions which, to return to the
opening of the first part of this blog, are problematic aspects of masculinity,
ones to which Oz cannot consciously admit.
Though Oz goes on to be a central, and much beloved,
character in the series, his departure, return, and re-departure makes it clear
that lycanthropy is always a curse. As with the vampire characters, such as
Angel and Oz, who are given equally complex character arcs, monstrosity in
Buffy’s world is always something to fight against. Even those who see
themselves on the side of good and humanity, such as Cain, can easily slip into
the role of monster. The boundaries between good and evil are never clear, and
appearance rarely coheres with the true identity of a character.
Dr. Kaja Franck is part of the 'Open Graves, Open Minds' project (,
and she has recently passed her PhD researching the literary werewolf
as an ecoGothic monster. As well as a passion for all things
werewolf-related, Kaja enjoys touring churches and convents (although
Sheffield Gothic can neither confirm nor deny her whereabout during the
full moon).
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