Carrying on our Buffy Blog Series, which this week is exploring Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Five, we have Steph Mullholland's exploration of Spike and the Origins of his leather Duster. Check out our previous post on Spike by Holly Dann discussing his cockney accent in Season Two (which you can find here) and our other Season Five posts by Adam Smith who discusses whether or not Xander is a monster (for part- one click here, and part-two click here). And, as always, if you want to share your thoughts on this or any of our posts, use the hashtag #BuffySlays20.
*Apologies in advance for any puns. Couldn’t resist.
duster coat has been part of ‘the look’ since Season Two, so you may ask why
this blog focuses upon the fifth season. Origins. We are introduced to Dawn, we
learn more about the First Slayer’s cryptic warnings, and ultimately, we are
left in Season Five with the most sobering of truths: “the hardest thing in
this world is to live in it” and in the midst of all these beginnings, we end
with Buffy’s death (again). However, one look that will never die is Spike’s
duster and it is also in the fifth season that we are shown their bloody
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(Spike and his trademark leather coat) |
duster coats were an item of protection at the turn of the twentieth century,
its intention was to ensure mobility when riding horses or motorcars whilst
protecting the wearer from the elements along the journey. It seems juxtaposed
upon Spike as a vampire who brings death to be entrenched in an item of
clothing whose function it is to maintain the boundaries of the body, to shield
against wounds or marks. Spike’s role as “Big Bad” is also at odds with the
hero figure in Western cinema who was the traditional wearer of the duster
coat. The coat was also a unisex item of clothing, and true to this, Spike does
not hesitate to take the coat from Slayer, Nikki, demonstrating the fluid
nature of the garment. Spike’s wearing of the duster then takes on many
ambiguous allusions, it does not “fit” his character as villainous vampire and
yet to think of Spike without his coat seems impossible. After all, he
confesses: "It's my second skin. It's who I am" (Angel, 5:20) - and
fans would likely agree. Indeed, the aim of the blog is to show how the duster
uncovers much more about Spike than just his (excellent) fashion sense.
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(Spike taking the leather coat from Nikki) |
learn in Season Five, specifically the episode “Fool for Love” (5:7), exactly
how Spike killed his second slayer on a subway train in New York in 1977 and
took the coat from her dead body, but the sequence in which we learn this
information shows yet more ambiguity in Spike’s character. Whilst we see
Nikki’s death in flashback we also flash between the present with Buffy and
Spike re-enacting the same fight so Buffy can learn how to avoid Nikki’s fate.
At this point we have two very different Spikes; in the past he killed a
slayer, in the present he moves in to kiss her. Drusilla even tells Spike in
another flashback during this episode: “You’re all covered with her, I look at
you and all I see is the slayer” (5:7). She is right, he wears the ‘skin’ of
the dead slayer, just not the slayer she is referring to. Death may be on the
Slayer’s heels, but Spike wears it upon his back.
Buffy’s “ties to the world” are the people she loves then Spike’s tie in many
senses becomes the duster. It becomes a part of him through which we access his
inner feelings and his truths, some good and some bad. Tellingly, he does not
wear the coat in the immediate episodes after regaining his Soul in Season
Seven, it’s a reminder of his bloody past and the monster he was/is. In the
absence of his duster during parts of the final season, we see Spike lose himself.
telling reveal comes via Buffy-Bot after she exclaims “Spike, it’s Spike, and
he’s wearing the coat!” (5:18). She is of course alluding to his attractiveness
in the coat but this is only because presumably Spike has instructed this to be
part of her programming, he wants - or at least thinks, that Buffy finds the
duster (and by extension, him) attractive. In his duster, Spike imagines his
chance to be happy with Buffy, despite his evils. In linking attraction to the
coat in this way Spike cedes to its ambiguous quality; when he tells Riley “the
girl [Buffy] needs some monster in her man” (5:10) revealing that he feels he
is capable of being a man worthy of Buffy, and a monster.
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(Buffy and Spike) |
coat is what Spike feels he needs to be ‘Spike’, which is interesting because
he only got the duster relatively recently (in vampire age) – indeed, he coined
the name ‘Spike’ long before the coat. Therefore, the coat is the part of him
he needed in our present. Contrary to his own perception of himself as “always
bad”, he is a little bit of both; good and bad. If the continued proliferation
of ‘sympathetic’ vampires after the millennium are anything to go by, maybe he
was the Spike we needed.
the pairing of the duster and vampire swept us off our feet.
Steph Mullholland is a PhD student at Manchester Metropolitan University. Her research interests involve skin within the Post-Millennial Gothic, self-fashioning (and fashionable!) monsters, and Gothic film and television. Like the best Buffy fans, Steph is Team Spike, and while she
hasn’t murdered for a coat (that we know of), she does have her own folder of Spike gifs.
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