in our Buffy Blog series we have the first part of Ash Darrow's exploration of
Giles and his character arc, with this post focusing on Giles in Season Three
of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Look out for part two in the next few
weeks, and don't forget to catch up on our Season Three posts so far (including
Claire Healey's examination of Faith, identity and choice, which you can find here, and Dana Alex's exploration of Jekyll and Hyde in BTVS
Season Three, which you can find here). Remember to get involved with the conversation, or
share this (and other) posts using the hashtag #BuffySlays20.
might sting a little. So, on the count of three, one, two: Giles is a villain.
Or, at least, he starts off that way. A minor, unacknowledged early series
baddy in the skin of a mentor. Giles functions as Buffy’s teacher, confidant,
and friend, as well as the embodiment of systemic oppression. Our understanding
of Giles is built upon this pretext that he is, like the Scooby Gang, a hero. I
want to trouble that reading. I suggest Giles can be better understood like
Angel and Spike: an anti-hero on a long redemption arch punctuated by moments
of seriously creepy villainy. While the others were vampires struggling with
their mortal souls, Giles is a wannabe patriarch struggling with this past.
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(Giles, Buffy, and the all-important Vampyr book - not available for library loans!) |
antiheroes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer seem to be preoccupied with this
sense of becoming whole and reintegrating these ‘evil sides’—aspects of
themselves of which they are either afraid or ashamed. Angel is confronted with
the guilt of his crimes and must reconcile being both the redemptive Angel and
the cruel Angelus. Spike, on the other hand, is on a slow arc to earn his
decency: he must manage ‘Spike’s’ love for violence and chaos with William the
Bloody’s desire to be loved and respected. As Willow becomes an increasingly
powerful and abusive witch, she drifts into ‘Dark Willow’—an alternate persona
she must assimilate. Each of these “evil sides” represents more than a
simplistic good/evil dichotomy. Dark Willow, for example, is Willow’s
confidence and power poisoned by her unquenchable lust for revenge. Giles, and
his antithetical shadow Ripper, fit this same formula as these other
to the Season Three episode ‘Helpless,’ Giles functions as an authority figure
filtered through several layers of tweed and timidity. His frequent stammer and
comical aversion to modernity radiate this bookish harmlessness. This is the
perfect setup for the ‘Giles’ we meet in Season Two, and this Season’s episode
‘Halloween’ is the first time the audience encounters Giles’ ‘evil side,’
Ripper. The end of ‘Halloween’ teases a younger Giles who was adept at combat
and willing, perhaps eager, to torture someone for information. A few episodes
later in ‘The Dark Age’ we learn that Ripper’s nihilism cost the life of a
friend. However, the full nature of Ripper comes out later in Season Three
episode, and fan favourite, ‘Band Candy.’ After some cursed candy causes the
adults of Sunnydale to mentally revert back to their teenage years, the
audience finally meets Ripper not just through stories and reminiscences, but
in the flesh.
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(Giles/Ripper and Buffy's mother, Joyce - 'Band Candy') |
is, as with our other anti-heroes, the missing part of Giles. Ripper is
dangerously reckless. At one point in ‘Band Candy,’ he goads a police officer
to shoot him and later pulls a gun on his former friend, Ethan Rayne. While
most of ‘Band Candy’ is played for the laughs, Ripper gives pathos to Giles’
stammering restraint. What I find interesting is that we meet Ripper from
Giles’ perspective and, therein, see why Ripper should be hidden and locked
away. What is buried with Ripper is the subtext of Giles’ redemptive arc.
Three’s ‘Helpless’ is the beginning of Giles moving to assimilate Ripper. Just
as Spike must reconcile William the Bloody, Angel must atone for Angelus, and
Willow must conquer Dark Willow, Giles must embrace the strengths in Ripper.
Giles ran so far from Ripper’s nihilistic rejection of authority, he became
blind to his own complacency. ‘Helpless’ sees Giles drugging Buffy to remove
her powers as part of an arbitrary test ran by the Watcher’s Council. There’s a
lot of conversation around Spike’s attempted rape of Buffy, but less
conversation around Giles drugging her. ‘Helpless’ makes clear allusion to
Giles as a date rapist—Buffy is almost staked with her own stake; the very
weapon Giles trains her to use. The distance between Giles and Spike is not as
great as we’d like to believe. We’ve seen the dangers of Ripper in previous
episodes, but ‘Helpless’ introduces us to the dangers of Giles. He wants so
badly for the authority of the Watchers to be just, therein vindicating his
full denial of Ripper, that he nearly gets Buffy killed.
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(Giles and Buffy at the end of 'Helpess,' facing the consequences of Giles' betrayal) |
therefore marks the beginning of a change in Giles. Towards the end of the
episode, Giles realizes the horrible mistake he’s made. He tells Buffy that
he’s been drugging her, an act which damages their relationship for some time
to come. However, I want to suggest that it isn’t Giles who confesses this to
Buffy, but it is, instead, Ripper. David Fury, the writer of ‘Helpless,’ comments
that Giles was just ‘following orders’ as he drugged Buffy. This is something
Ripper could never do. The ‘better part’ of Giles that confronts the Watchers
Council and confesses to Buffy is Ripper’s rejection of authority tempered
through Giles’ maturity. Just like the show’s other villains-come-heroes, Giles
has to embrace his darker half before truly beginning his redemptive arch.
this way, 'Helpless' is a turning point for Giles, and for the series. David
Fury comments on the episode saying that 'Giles the father figure betraying
Buffy; betraying his daughter' was the hook that got the episode green-lit.
Perhaps more than Fury intended, 'Helpless' pulls the curtain back on authority
to reveal the complicated systems behind the overly simplistic 'good vs bad'
narrative. Giles betrayed Buffy for the sake of preserving authority, but
Ripper saved the day by rejecting it. We see in the series going forward a
Giles increasingly willing to embrace Ripper and challenge the world around
part two of my series on Giles, 'The Giles-Arc Part Two: Ask Me About MySlayer Agenda,' I’ll be discussing the changes Giles’ character goes through in
the context of the series finale 'Chosen.'
Fury, David. “Helpless.” Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Chosen Collection,
written by David Fury, directed by James A. Conter. 20th Century Fox, 2005.
Darrow is a recent graduate from National University where he received his
Master’s in Gothic Studies. His current research explores Gothic and Games
Studies, and he hopes to reverse Giles’ journey by travelling across the pond
to the UK in order to continue his Gothic studies (a journey which is in no way
related Ash's own summoning of Eyghon, which definitely did not happen, and has
nothing to do with the Mark of Eyghon either, which Ash definitely does not have
a tattoo of). You can find more of Ash's work on his blog:
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